{"version":3,"names":["setMode","elm","mode","getAttribute","PRELOAD_FONTS","length","forEach","font","document","head","insertAdjacentHTML","src","type","globalScripts","appGlobalScript"],"sources":["src/globals/global.ts","@stencil/core/internal/app-globals"],"sourcesContent":["import { setMode } from \"@stencil/core\";\nimport { PRELOAD_FONTS } from \"../constants/global-constants\";\n// import * as Sentry from \"@sentry/react\";\n// import { UIKIT_VERSION, BRAND_NAME } from \"../constants/global-constants\";\nexport default function () {\n setMode((elm) => {\n return (elm as any).mode || elm.getAttribute(\"variant\") || \"default\";\n });\n\n // Sentry.init({\n // dsn: \"https://604dd2a9ae6d5efea7bdd290b5ec44db@sentry.eon.com/158\",\n // release: UIKIT_VERSION,\n // environment: BRAND_NAME,\n // initialScope: {\n // tags: {\n // \"uikit.version\": UIKIT_VERSION,\n // \"uikit.brand\": BRAND_NAME,\n // \"uikit.domain\": window.location.host\n // }\n // },\n // integrations: [new Sentry.BrowserTracing() /*, new Sentry.Replay()*/],\n // // Performance Monitoring\n // tracesSampleRate: 0.5 // Capture 100% of the transactions, reduce in production!\n // // Session Replay\n // // replaysSessionSampleRate: 0.1, // This sets the sample rate at 10%. You may want to change it to 100% while in development and then sample at a lower rate in production.\n // // replaysOnErrorSampleRate: 1.0 // If you're not already sampling the entire session, change the sample rate to 100% when sampling sessions where errors occur.\n // });\n\n /**\n * If fonts.preload is defined in theme json it will iterate through these definitions and add them to the head of the page.\n * That allows to preload the fonts and by that reduce layout shifts and enhance component width calculation.\n */\n if (PRELOAD_FONTS.length) {\n PRELOAD_FONTS.forEach((font: any) => {\n document.head.insertAdjacentHTML(\n \"beforeend\",\n ``\n );\n });\n }\n}\n","import appGlobalScript from '/builds/repos/eon-is/frontend/eon-ui/eon-ui-components/src/globals/global.ts';\nexport const globalScripts = appGlobalScript;\n"],"mappings":"qFAKEA,GAASC,GACCA,EAAYC,MAAQD,EAAIE,aAAa,YAAc,YA0B7D,GAAIC,EAAcC,OAAQ,CACxBD,EAAcE,SAASC,IACrBC,SAASC,KAAKC,mBACZ,YACA,6BAA6BH,EAAKI,wBAAwBJ,EAAKK,kCAChE,G,CAGP,CCvCY,MAACC,EAAgBC,S"}